A Ukrainian-Swiss Cooperation
We are a non-denominational, tax-exempted NPO
With emergency aid projects and long-term strategies for reconstruction, we are working together with our Ukrainian partners from CAMZ (Comité d’Aide Médicale, Zakarpattya) in Uzhhorod to alleviate the consequences of the war in Ukraine.
We also promote inclusion through contact between the Swiss population and the Ukrainian diaspora.
Our Focus...
...has changed radically. After successfully implementing various projects to support the diaspora, we are now focussing mainly on supporting Ukraine in the country itself. This was initially a sideline that arose from supporting the diaspora in Switzerland. In the meantime, we have realised that we can achieve more if we support those people in Ukraine who look after the losers in society. For example, mentally/physically impaired or psychologically traumatised people. We support doctors, psychologists, nurses and occupational therapists in hospitals, orphanages and homes for the disabled.
At the same time, we are still in contact and working together with important representatives of the diaspora.
In Ukraine

Aid in Ukraine
Our trustees in Ukraine know exactly what is needed, when and where. Based on this, financial resources are utilised in a targeted and efficient manner. Our organisation can respond more flexibly and quickly than large aid organisations and serves niches in which rapid aid is often not forthcoming.

Relief supplies
Emergency aid alleviates the need on the ground. The doctors and social workers who have not fled the country and who are conscientiously doing their duty 24/7 for low wages deserve all the help we can provide.
In Switzerland

Inclusion across cultural and linguistic boundaries is one of our central objectives - the recognition of social plurality and diversity as an asset.

Cultural exchange opens up insight into the unknown and broadens horizons.
Long-term objective Reconstruction
Ukraine will be dependent on aid in every conceivable area for years to come. Our organisation has already secured the channels and logistical infrastructure for reconstruction as part of the direct aid currently required by working together with a major Ukrainian aid organisation. At the moment, however, emergency aid is needed above all.
We are a partner & contact point in Switzerland for
Medical Aid Committee, in Zakarpattya

Our partners in Uzhhorod are our gateway to the whole of Ukraine.
What do we offer?
Focus of our competencies:

Cross-cultural coordination and communication
Our team speaks Ukrainian, Russian, German, English, French and Italian. The team is familiar with all socio-cultural issues and historical contexts and can therefore coordinate very efficiently and communicate directly.

Viable strategies
Our experience is the basis for developing strategies with a focus on project feasibility.

On-site project support
Together with our CAMZ trustees in Ukraine, we support and monitor projects through to realisation. We are also present in Ukraine and work together with them to get an idea of the actual needs and status of our projects on the ground.

Security for investors and donors
Our network is completely familiar with local conditions in every respect - a knowledge advantage that takes years to acquire.
Unser Partner CAMZ arbeitet seit Tag 1 des Inkrafttretens strikt nach den Vorgaben des ukrainischen Gesetzes 9111, welches unlautere Geschäfte mit Hilfsgütern unterbindet.
With this combination, we create security and transparency for investors and donors.