Cargo Bikes

Cargo Bikes for Ukraine
In Ukraine, many people have lost everything they ever had. Nevertheless, the Ukrainians refuse to give up and keep getting back on their feet. 60 cargo bikes donated by Velowerk Schaffhausen, Amsler AG in Flurlingen and the manufacturer of the bikes, Tern Bycicles, are helping them to become more mobile. These bikes can carry up to 50 kg on the rear carrier and up to 20 kg on the front. This means that they have an immediate impact as soon as they are in use.
Shortly after the war began in February 2022, the owner of Velowerk Schaffhausen decided to donate 60 cargo bikes to Ukraine together with his business partner Amsler AG. By now, customers in Switzerland only want to buy electrically motorised transport bikes. The 60 longest-produced, conventional bicycles of very high quality were perfect for people in the Ukraine who, for various reasons, no longer have any other means of transport or cannot afford public transport where it is available.
Unfortunately, it turned out to be much more difficult than expected to transport these bikes to Ukraine. Initial euphoric free offers from transport companies soon proved to be out of date. In addition, someone had to be found who would not only drive to the border, but also into Ukraine. Nobody was familiar with customs formalities across the EU and beyond the Ukrainian border either.
The transport options that were finally available were prohibitively expensive. A volunteer organisation in Kharkiv, in the east of the country, also turned them down for cost reasons and it was unclear who would even be able to prevent these bikes from simply disappearing on the black market.
The project was stuck for over a year and the initiators were increasingly frustrated; finally Pro Ukraïna took over this project and realised it systematically.

The experience with transports in cooperation with CAMZ came into its own. The advantage of transporting relief supplies from Switzerland to Ukraine is that Switzerland is not a member of the EU. This means that aid goods can pass through the EU using a transit procedure without having to be imported into the EU. The procedure is relatively simple. The main thing to bear in mind is the regulations regarding ‘dual use’, i.e. the regulations for goods that could be used for both civilian and military purposes. Pro Ukraïna has had experience in obtaining licences from SECO or for the waiver of the HVF for humanitarian transports since it began its activities.
Customs clearance in Kreuzlingen/Constance usually only takes a quarter of an hour to 20 minutes if you are well prepared.
On the Ukrainian side, CAMZ ensures that everything runs smoothly at the Ukrainian border. Our partner has been complying with the requirements of Ukrainian Law 9111 since it came into force on day 1 and registers all aid supplies electronically. Each transport is given a unique identification number and the relief supplies must be distributed within 90 days.
Fair distribution to the pillars of society
CAMZ works with various other reliable volunteer organisations to ensure that aid supplies such as these bicycles reach the people who need them most. This always includes people who look after the losers in society: Nurses, veterinarians, but also, for example, the deliverer of a bakery that supplies hospitals, schools, kindergartens etc. with bread, or a farmer's wife who distributes milk to the people in need.
In short: the aim is always not just to help individuals, but to multiply the effect by ensuring that the help reaches those people who in turn help a wider circle of people.
CAMZ keeps meticulous records of the relief supplies handed over, such as these bicycles, as well as their recipients.

Interviews with bicycle receivers
As part of the distribution by a volunteer organisation in Chernihiv, some recipients of such bicycles were interviewed. Pro Ukraïna has received explicit permission to publish these interviews and has provided them with English subtitles. Have a look yourself!
Brotlieferant Youri
Krankenschwester Iryna
Bäuerin Tetyana
Veterinärin Inna
Veterinärin (anonym)
Magische Verwandlung 🙂