Transport of humanitarian aid

Transport of relief goods
The aim of the transports is to ship relief supplies to Ukraine as cheaply as possible. Ukrainian hauliers are used for this purpose, as they can transport goods much more cheaply than Western European hauliers. This reduces transport costs to a minimum.
Goods that cross the Swiss border must generally be cleared through customs in the EU, unless they are not destined for the EU market. With the so-called T1 procedure, aid supplies destined for Ukraine can therefore cross the EU duty-free.
However, this requires that a transporter is willing to travel to Ukraine in the first place, which is often not the case for insurance reasons. Transport only as far as the Ukrainian border would make it impossible to use the T1 procedure. This is where the connections to Ukrainian transport companies come into play.
Other relief supplies are collected directly by our partner CAMZ (Comité de l'Aide Médicale, Zakarpattya) from Uzhhorod.
Pro Ukraïna aims to create security for donors and sponsors, also in terms of cost optimisation. Mainly goods of very high value or utility are collected and shipped to Ukraine.
Multiplikation des Spendeneffektes
By collecting and transporting only very high-quality or particularly useful relief supplies, the effect of a donation is multiplied. If the cost of a transport remains within the single digit percentage in relation to the value of a load, it can be said that the donations have been used in a very efficient way. If the transport costs remain in the single-digit percentage range in relation to the value of the load, then the donations used to finance these transports are used particularly efficiently. Naturally, we try to utilise the available transport volume of a lorry as much as possible. This means that warm clothes, shoes and other relief supplies are also transported.
This also means that relief supplies are loaded at various points.
Pro Ukraïna through its Ukrainian partner CAMZ ensures that the cheapest options for onward transport are also used within Ukraine.
For this reason, lighter goods are sometimes transported within the country after crossing the border with the organisation Nova Poshta . This has the advantage that the goods arrive at the border with pinpoint accuracy throughout the country. Nova Poshta subsidises the transport of relief supplies to the hotspots.
The system works perfectly.
Support possibilities
The transports are partially financed by donations. We are grateful for any support.
Zum Beispiel: Hilfsgüter-Transport im Mai 2024:
Für detaillierte Infos zu diesem Transport hier clicken:

CAMZ picks up relief supplies in Winterthur