Mriya School

Ukrainian for children: courses in native language and culture
The Canton of Zurich accredits educational institutions for HSK courses (Home Language and Culture). For Ukrainians in the city of Zurich, this is the Mriya School, which has opened a branch in Winterthur through the mediation of Pro Ukraïna.
Most language groups in Switzerland organise HSK courses for their children, in which they learn to read and write their own language and receive lessons about their own culture. The grades achieved in the official HSK framework are entered in the Swiss school report.
Originally, Pro Ukraïna had intended to set up its own HSK courses in Winterthur. During the clarifications with the city of Winterthur, it became clear that the Mrija School in Zurich is already accredited by the canton as the superior coordinator for Ukrainian HSK-courses..
The Mriya School follows an official Ukrainian curriculum that has been adapted for HSK purposes. The school is listed on the canton's HSK website and sets high standards for the qualifications of its teaching staff. All teachers have a Ukrainian teaching certificate. This made it clear to Pro Ukraïna that it would make more sense for Mrija to take over instead of reinventing everything all over again.
Since about twenty Ukrainian children travelled from Winterthur to Zurich to Mriya in their free time until December 2022, it was obvious to open a branch in Winterthur.
The search for suitable classrooms for several classes in the same school building proved difficult - a start as soon as possible seemed out of reach. However, Pro Ukraïna found what they were looking for in the neighbourhood and cultural centre in Winterthur Veltheim. (Quartier- und Kulturzentrum).
As a collective member of the Veltheim local association, Pro Ukraïna can rent the QZ every Wednesday at the association rate until the end of 2023. This made an immediate start possible. As an independent association, Mriya bears the costs for the time in the afternoon when the HSK courses are held. In the evenings, the QZ is used by Pro Ukraïna for courses and events.
Successful Start
The contract with the local association was signed shortly before Christmas.
Classes started on time as planned already on 11 January 2023, right after the Christmas holidays. "Der Landbote" reported.
Impressisons from the first school day in Winterthur
A warm welcome from Mriya and Pro Ukraïna on tthe opening day in Winterthur
The first Ukrainian lesson in Winterthur with the youngest children